Action Manager - Creating Views
How to create and customise Action Manager views
Required System Role: Standard User
Required Team Role: Viewer
*The Actions that are visible to you are directly linked to your Ambient Project selector and your team assignments.
Creating a view
Click Action Manager in the top bar.
The Action Manager interface will open in your workspace.
Left Click 'My Actions'
Click '+ Create New View' to add a new view.
Give your View a meaningful name that represents what it will encompass.
Users can have multiple views and switch between as they need.
Setting columns
Set the specific columns for this view. Left click 'View settings' at top right.
Then select the columns you wish to display and click 'save'.
Filtering column views
Each column can be customized to display specific details. To filter a column, simply click the three lines next to the column heading. Please note that the available options will vary depending on the column, and not all options are applicable to every column.
Once you have made your selections be sure to click the disk icon to save your view.