Archiving or Deleting Projects
What do to when you need to archive or delete a Project.
Required System Role: Consultation Manager Support
From time to time, you may need to archive or delete a project for various reasons, such as mistakenly having created it, or the Project having been cancelled. It is currently not possible to delete a project as a Standard User or Enterprise Administrator. This can only be done by Consultation Manager Support or your Customer Success Manager.
In preparation for the project deletion, ensure all Private records related to the project have been re-assigned if required or appropriate to do so.
Once you are satisfied that any records related to the Project have been appropriately managed, you can request the Project to be deleted via a support ticket.
⚠️ If you do not relate Private records to another Project, they will be archived (also known as orphaned) in the database. This means they will no longer be searchable. This does not apply to Global records.