Our Inbound email feature allows Users to send emails directly to your Consultation Manager inbox and have those interactions automatically link to Stakeholders and Users. Each Project in your database has its own unique email address.
Required Minimum System Role: Standard User
Required Minimum Team Role: Contributor
When Consultation Manager receives an email, the following will happen:
A new Event is created and some data is pre-filled from the email.
Subject of Email fills in Event Summary
Body of Email fills in Stakeholder Comments
Date email fills in Event Date
Stakeholders and Users will be automatically linked through matching Email Addresses
New Stakeholders are created if an email address cannot be matched.
Any attachments included in the email will be automatically uploaded and attached, such as meeting notes.
The User will receive a confirmation email to notify them that the email has been received, including a link to view all emails that have been sent in. (example at the bottom of this page)
If the email is larger than ~20mb, it may not be successfully received
The Recipients email needs to be in either the To, Cc or in the body of the email for Consultation Manager to relate/create the recipients record to the Event.
To | Cc | Bcc | |
Project Email | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Recipients Email | ✔️ | ✔️ |
To find and process these Events in the system you can either click the email icon in the top - right-hand corner of your screen or run a search on Events for anything with the Event type "Uncategorised Email".

This will allow you to see a grid of all the emails that have been sent in for processing. You can open any of the new Emails in your workspace by clicking the blue arrow.

From here you can check all of the data and relationships that have automatically been created, as well as update other fields on the Event record to finalise. The main fields of the unfinished record that will need to be completed are Event Type, Issues/Topics and Sentiment (outlined in green below).
For the email to be successfully received by the system, the email you're sending it from must match a User in the system. If you're not a User in the system, or the email you're sending from doesn't match your profile, it will not allow the email into the system.