How to manage and apply a report template

This article will demonstrate how to manage and apply a report template.

Required Minimum System Role: Standard User

Required Minimum Team Role: Contributor 

Open your Consultation Manager reporting area by selecting 'Reports' from the selection bar at the top of your workspace.

Select 'Report Templates' to access saved templates.

In this section you are able to search manually by entering the template name into the field or you select the arrows to order by template name.

It is possible to search by report type selecting the triple bar icon and selecting the type of reports you want to view. You can also order your search by selecting the arrow.

You can order by entity type by selecting the arrows.


You can also apply or delete any of your saved templates.


Please note: If you select to Apply a template that includes Projects presently outside of your Project selection view, the following confirmation will display to advise you that your Project scope will change as a result of applying the template.