How to create a report template

This article will step you through creating a new reporting template

Required System Role: Standard User

Required Team Role: Contributor 

Open your Consultation Manager reporting area by selecting 'Reports' from the selection bar at the top of your workspace.

Select which type of report you would like to create a template for

Click 'new tabular report' (if you are creating a template for a tabular report)

Then do the search and complete the parameters you require for your report, in this instance, I have run a search for all stakeholder records related to Project 1.

Once you have the desired search parameters in your results grid, you will then have the option at the top right to 'Save As Template'

You will then get a popup asking you for a 'Template Name', give it something meaningful to you and your team and click 'create'.

Your newly created report template will then be available in the specific Report area for the type of report.