Once you have logged into Consultation Manager you will see the main navigation bar across the top of your screen and a dashboard below.
Required Minimum System Role: Standard User
Required Minimum Team Role: Viewer
This will remain in the same place no matter what area of the system you're working in.
Main navigation

CM Logo/Home: Click to go back to the Dashboard.
Project selector: Click to expand the Project tree, where you can see all the Projects you have access to. Select the Projects you want to work on and Apply your selection to filter your view of the data.
Search: The Search area is where you can query your data and navigate to Records of Interest for further modifications or intelligence gathering you may seek.
Workspace: The Workspace is where you can view, create and edit Records. Each Record will be displayed in an individual tab, allowing you to work across multiple Records at one time.
Maps: The mapping feature allows you to add geographical layers to plottable addresses to conceptualise your data in different ways.
Reports: Our Reports tool has multiple flexible options which allow you to view your data quantitatively, or qualitatively.
Comms: Send electronic campaigns to your Stakeholders quickly and easily using either our email or SMS campaign tools.
Tools: The Tools area is where Team Leaders and Administrators can manage system data in bulk. Features include the importer, webform builder and batch editor.
New button: The New button allows you to create a new record quickly and easily. Clicking this will open a drop-down to select which type of new record you'd like to create.
Timezone: Hovering over this icon gives you an indication of the Timezone being used for the system. this can provide some additional context when viewing data relating to Projects located in one or more locations.
Inbound Email search: The Inbound email icon opens up the search area with a pre-built search showing any uncategorised emails in your Projects.
Notifications: Notifications from the system will appear here. typically these will be non-invasive, but can occasionally help give context if an error occurs. This is also where you can retrieve reports after running them.
Profile: Quickly access your User profile or log out of the system.
Management: Click to open the Management area. Here, you can manage your Enterprise, including Classifications, integrations and other settings.
Support: Our Support section allows you to choose whether you'd like to look at our self-help knowledgebase, training videos, contact us, or learn more about our recent updates.
Note: Some options, such as the management area, or Comms are only viewable to those with appropriate access. If you cannot see these options, and believe you should, please contact your Enterprise Administrator