Managing Existing Tags and Headings

This article details the steps for viewing, editing, deleting and restoring Tags and Headings.

System Role: Enterprise Administrator

Accessing the management area 

Access is via the cog at the top right of CM. Once in the management area, select Classification Management under Classifications.

This will open the Classification Management area to the right.

First, select the Classification list you want to manage.

The List will load.

View a Heading or Tag

Click on the Heading or Tag that you wish to view.

The Classification Details panel will open at the right. 

Headings show the following details:

  • Classification Name
  • Classification Type
  • Description
  • Number of children (Tags)

Tags show the following details:

  • Classification Name
  • Classification Type
  • Description
  • Number of linked records
  • Import reference
  • Project restrictions

TIP: Copy the Import reference to your clipboard by clicking the copy icon. This can be pasted into a spreadsheet, enabling you to import data linked to a Tag.

Edit a Heading or Tag

Click on the Heading or Tag that you wish to edit.

The Classification Details panel will open at the right. Here, you can click "Edit" at the bottom right.

TIP: To quickly enter Edit mode for a Heading or Tag, click the three dots at the far right of the Classification and click "Edit".

In Edit mode, you can update the following attributes:

  1. Classification Name
  2. Classification Type (in limited circumstances)
  3. Description
  4. Project Restrictions (Project Restrictions can be edited outside of Edit mode also)

NOTE: Classifications Types can only be changed in limited circumstances.

  • A Tag cannot be converted to a Heading while it has records assigned. Unlink records from the Tag before converting it to a Heading.
  • A Heading cannot be converted to a Tag while it has child Tags assigned. Reassign Tags to an alternative hierarchy before converting a Heading to a Tag.

Deleting a Heading or Tag

Click the three dots at the far right of the Heading or Tag you wish to delete and click "Delete Tag".

A pop-up will appear. If you are sure you wish to Delete the Heading or Tag, click "Delete".

A processing pop-up is displayed briefly and once complete, a success notification will appear the top right of your screen.

NOTE: Headings cannot be deleted whilst there are Tags assigned. All child Tags must be deleted or reassigned before a Heading can be deleted.

Restoring a Heading or Tag

First, toggle the navigation to "Show deleted classifications".

Deleted classifications will be displayed in red and with a restore icon at the far right. Click the icon to restore a Heading or Tag.

A pop-up will appear. If you are sure you wish to Restore the Heading or Tag, click "Restore".

A processing pop-up is displayed briefly and once complete, a success notification will appear the top right of your screen.