Optimising Your Users, Teams, and Projects

Learn the best tips and tricks and recommended flow for optimal Management of Users, Teams, and Projects.

Optimising Your Users, Teams, and Projects | Webinar Recording for Wednesday 1 March 2023

Are your Users, Teams, and Projects all perfectly organised?

Users, Teams, and Projects are all interrelated, so when one part is disconnected or missing, everything else can be affected. Because of this, understanding how to successfully set up all of these parts is essential.

Our Customer Success team will step you through the best tips and tricks and recommended flow for optimal Management of Users, Teams, and Projects.

Some topics that will be covered include:

  • A brief synopsis of admin expectations and their responsibilities

  • A recommended flow for managing your Users, Teams, and Projects

  • Best practice for creating, managing, and updating access for Users

  • An understanding of Project setup and optimal management

  • Tips and tricks to combat common access and log-in issues