Enterprise Record Counts

The Record Counts area is used to provide accurate information on the current state of your Project/s record consumption.

System Role: Enterprise Admin

Within the Management area, Enterprise Administrators can view record count breakdowns for their account per project. This feature allows you to easily see the breakdown of how many records exist for each project within your system.

Accessing the management area 

Access is via the cog at the top right of CM. Once in the management area, click Record Count, under Enterprise.

This will open the Record Count panel and options to the right.

Record Counts

  1. The number of active records you currently have in Consultation Manager. Active records are defined as any record (row of data), which is not marked as deleted, nor archived.
  2. You can exclude non-project related records using this toggle. This will result in only records with a relationship to the Projects applied in the selector being counted and provides better insight into the record consumption of individual Projects. The counts are dynamically updated in the table as you make changes to these settings.
  3. Use this Project selector to filter the data and show the record counts for only selected Projects. The counts are dynamically updated in the table as you make changes to these settings.
  4. Expand the General Entities area to display a breakdown of all your Entity types including any custom Entities.
  5. Expand the System Entities area to display a breakdown of all System Entities (Projects, Teams and Users).

License Consumption

NOTE: This element will only be displayed if you have thresholds applied to your license agreement.

  1. Active Records - your specific record counts total.
  2. License Threshold - your set threshold.
  3. % Consumed - percentage of threshold consumed (calculated as active records over license threshold).