Manage Tag Availability for Projects

This article details how to restrict and unrestrict Tags to Projects.

System Role: Enterprise Admin

Accessing the management area 

Access is via the cog at the top right of CM. Once in the management area, select Classification Management under Classifications.

This will open the Classification Management area to the right.

Restricting Tags to Projects

To view or manage the restrictions for a Tag, click on the Tag to edit its properties.

The Classification Details panel will open at the right.

The Project Restrictions are shown at the bottom of the panel. By default, a new Tag is 'Shared to All' Projects.

Tags which have been previously restricted for use by specified Projects can be unrestricted by clicking 'Share to All'.

In some circumstances, you may wish to restrict a Tag for use by a Project or Projects.

Click 'Restrict on selected Projects', and a warning will appear, detailing the effects of restricting a previously unrestricted Tag.

If you are sure you wish to restrict the Tag to a Project or Projects, click 'Change Restrictions'.

NOTE:  Following restriction, some tags may display as Invalid, however, the tag will not be removed from existing records. An invalid tag is one which is used on a record which does not have a relationship to the Tag's restricted Projects.

The Project selector will appear below. Click the selector to expand it.

In the Project selector area, you can:

  1. Enter a Project name to search for it in your Project tree.
  2. View the selected/restricted Projects
  3. Toggle the selector to display only the applied/restricted Project/s.
  4. Check the box alongside a Project or Project Group to select.
  5. Click Cancel (i.e. do not save) or 'Save Changes' to finalise your work.