The Search area is one of the key areas most Users will spend most of their time on while they're using Consultation Manager.
This is where you can find the specific information you need to drill down to.
The Search area contains key components which help you locate a specific record or a group of records you need to work with.

Primary Entity Dropdown: This is where you can control which information you're searching for. This selection dictates the information you see in the grid below. You can expand this to select another type of Entity to find.
Field and Operator Dropdown: Here is where you can choose the type of information to search on, and how. For example, the default in this screenshot shows a search to find Stakeholders with a Last Name that contains X. This can be changed to any other bit of information on the Stakeholder record, such as Find any Stakeholders with a First Name matching x.
Additional Search Options: Here is where you can choose to search for duplicate or deleted records or save a commonly used Search.
Search Activators: These buttons can help you activate, or build on your search.
Search results: Here is where you can see how many results your search has provided, and allows you to refresh your search.
Opening tools: These buttons allow you to open up a specific record (the blue arrow) or open up to 5 at a time by selecting the boxes and clicking 'Open Selected' at the top.
Search Grid: This is where you can see the basic information on the records caught in your search results.
Search Views: You can view your search results in 3 basic ways: Grid view, Graphical View, or Mapping view.
Reporting options: If you need to report on the information in your results, choose the type of report you need and the system will take you to that report generator where you can customise your report.