Configure your system to send Action notifications automatically

How to set up automated Action notifications depending on how close they are to their deadline

Required System Role: Enterprise Admin

Note that this is an Enterprise setting and therefore applies the same selection to all Projects, Users etc.

Enterprise Administrators can enable automatic Action Reminders for their system.

To enable automatic Action Reminders, navigate to:

  1. Management

  2. Notifications

  3. Scheduled Action Reminders

On the Action Reminder page, you can enable this feature (4) and select the timing (5) of the automated email reminders.

  1. Enabled: Checking the box marked 'Enabled' means that reminders will be sent.

  2. Schedule: Select the timing here. Select one or multiple options.

Schedule options:

  • Overdue: Reminders will be sent when the Action Deadline has passed.

  • X Days Prior: Actions will be sent x days prior to the specified Deadline.

Click [Save] and the schedule will take effect.