Enterprise Record Counts

How to view record counts within your system per project


Within your Management area, Enterprise Administrators can now view record count breakdowns for their account per project. This feature allows you to easily see the breakdown of how many records are in use for each project within your system.

Step 1. To access the Entity record count, click the Management Cog in the top right of your screen.


Step 2. Select Enterprise from your Main Administration Menu


Step 3. Select ‘View Enterprise Record Counts’ from the menu that appears.


Step 4. Select the project/s you wish to view the Entity breakdown for. The figures will adjust depending on your project selections to show you how many records are in use for each Project.


Selecting the checkbox for non-project related records will exclude any global records from your results where the relationship to the project has not been expressly indicated. This can provide a better insight into the size of individual projects.