Import Overview

The Consultation Manager Import tool allows you to create records in bulk from a spreadsheet.

Please Note: Legacy Import help articles are located at the bottom of this article.

Import Overview

System Role: Standard User

Team Role: Team Leader

In order to access the Import tool, you must hold at least the Team Leader role within your Team or possess the privileges of an Enterprise Administrator in your Consultation Manager system.

The data that you are importing needs to follow some guidelines:

  • The file must be a .CSV spreadsheet file.

  • Each field to be imported must have a corresponding column in the spreadsheet. For example, First Name and Last Name should be two separate columns in your spreadsheet.

    You can import any of the following Entities:

    • Stakeholders

    • Properties

    • Events

    • Actions

    • Documents (but not attachments)

    • Custom Entities

Relationship Relationship Operation More Details

Single Entity imports

(e.g. Stakeholders only)

None Single Entity Import

Legacy Import Overview

System Role: Standard User

Team Role: Team Leader


Accessing Legacy Importer

Navigate to Tools -> Import from the top bar.

Then at top right click the 'Legacy Importer' button.



To utilize the Import tool, you need to have the role of Team Leader in your Team or be an Enterprise Administrator of your Consultation Manager system. Please note that other Users do not have the ability to bulk import data.

The data that you are importing needs to follow some guidelines:

  • The file must be a .csv spreadsheet file.

  • Each field to be imported must have a corresponding column in the spreadsheet. For example, First Name and Last Name should be two separate columns in your spreadsheet.

💡 You do not need a template for your import, but an easy way to create a template is by running a Tabular Report on the relevant Entity and using the columns included in that spreadsheet as the format for your import data.

You can import any of the following Entities:

  • Stakeholders

  • Properties

  • Events

  • Actions

  • Documents (but not attachments)

  • Custom Entities

You can create various types of relationships using the importer, as detailed below.

Relationship Relationship Operation More details
No additional relationships (e.g. Stakeholders only) "None" How do I bulk import data of a single record type?
Related pairs of new records (e.g. Stakeholders and Properties or Stakeholders and Events) "Create" How do I bulk import two different record types and link them together?
Relate all records to a single existing record (e.g. Add new Stakeholders to an existing Event) "Create and relate to (multiple entities using CSV) How do I import data and link it all to a single existing record?
Relate each record to an individual existing record (e.g. Add new Events to individual existing Stakeholders) "Create and relate to (multiple entities using CSV) How do I import data and link each record to another that already exists?


⚠️ Please note that the Import tool does not update existing Records.