Provides a breakdown on how to view and process emails sent into Consultation Manager via Project Address and our Outlook Add-in through your Email Inbox.
System Role: Standard User
Team Role: Contributor
Our Email Inbox is designed to centralise all email content sent into Consultation Manager from both Inbound Email via Project address and those through our Outlook Add-in into one spot viewable at both and individual and a team level. To help touch on a few key areas of our Inbox this article has been broken into the following sections:
- Viewing your Personal Email Inbox
- Processing an Email into an Event
- Quick Email Processing
- Viewing your Team Email Inbox
Viewing your Personal Email Inbox
Your personal Email Inbox can be accessed from any area of Consultation Manager via the email icon in the navigation bar, this icon will display a number anytime you have 1 or more unprocessed emails for review.

Selecting this email icon will open your Personal Email Inbox, by default this will show all unprocessed emails in your inbox and Project view.
Your Inbox table highlights some key information for each email:
- Subject: The subject line for the email which was sent in.
- Status: The email's inbox status (Unprocessed or Processed)
- Date Received: The Date/Time the email was received into Consultation Manager (this typically aligned with the email sent time but may be different in the event the email was forwarded in after the original send).
- Stakeholders: All Stakeholders which have been matched in the system from the emails recipients and will be related to the Event when processed.
Selecting the Stakeholder cell for any email will display that emails full Stakeholder list, including the ability to unassign any Stakeholders you do not wish to relate when the email is processed, alongside flagging any new Stakeholders which will be created upon processing. - Documents: All attachments which will be related to the Event when processed.
Selecting the Document cell for any email will display those emails full document attachment list, including the ability to unassign any attachments you do not wish to create as a new Document when processed. - User: The User who sent in the email (this is more relevant when viewing a Team Inbox).
- Projects: Which Projects the email is related to.
Table Filters
The table supports a range of filters to help track down specific emails as detailed below:
The Status filter allows you to change you view to also include Processed emails, selecting a Processed email will open your directly to its corresponding Event in the workspace.
Selecting the arrows adjacent to 'Date Received' will toggle the date order between Ascending and Descending.
Processing an Email into an Event
To process an email into an Event simply select its Subject Line or click the green play arrow:
This will open the processing modal, it is recommended you select the Preview Email button at the top of the form to also expand a fully rendered preview to assist in classifying your email.
Note: The options displayed and whether a field is required or not in your Event form will vary depending on your Event configuration.
Once all required fields are completed select Process to create your Event. Once created confirmation will display and your email can be viewed as a standard Event in the workspace.
Any Event created through the Email Inbox will include an additional Email Preview tab, providing a complete preview of the email content and an option to download the original .EML file.
Quick Email Processing
Quick Email Processing allows you to easily bulk process multiple emails into Events at once, this is useful in cases where multiple emails relate to the same set of issue or are part of a broader chain. To Quick Process a set of emails click the check box next to two or more unprocessed emails when viewing your Inbox, this will enable the Quick Process button,
Once selected, the Quick Process form will display, there are three options when processing Emails in bulk, select from the available 'Event/Interaction Types', 'Issues/Topics Raised' and 'Sentiment', the names of these options may vary dependent on what they are called in your particular Consultation Manager system.
Note: Its important to keep in mind that any classification selected will be applied to all Events created from the selected emails using the Quick Process form.
Once all your emails have been processed, a notification will be sent to you including a link to view all newly created Events in search.
Viewing your Team Email Inbox
In addition to viewing your personal Email Inbox, you will also be able to view the Inbox of any team you are part of by changing your Inbox view via the selector located on the left-hand side of your Inbox Table.
Select any of the Teams available will open that Teams inbox, by default the inbox will show all unprocessed emails across Team members (filtered by your Project view). This can be helpful should you and your team operate across Shared Mailboxes or have team members send in throughout the day/week with a designated User allocated to process emails on behalf of the team.
Additionally, when viewing a Team Inbox, you will be able to filter the emails shown to those sent in by specific Users of your team to help further filter your inbox email list.
Any email shown in a Team Inbox you have access to will be available to process as you would your personal emails, in these circumstances the corresponding Event record created once processed will be recorded as your User being the creator, whilst the original sending User will remain related to the Event.