Reassign classifications

The Reassign Classifications tool allows you to manage the structure of your Classifications, by moving a Classification under another to change the path.

Required System Role: Enterprise Admin

This tool can be used on any Classification, including Stakeholder Groups, Event Types, Issues and more.

For example, you can use "Reassign Classifications" to:

NOTE: Reassign Classifications preserves all existing relationships with records. Just like renaming a Classification, Records that are already tagged with Air Quality will still be tagged with Air Quality.

Reassign Classifications

Click the Management Cog then Reassign Classifications.

The tool will open in the next panel. 

In this example, we will move Impact (Business) under Construction.

  1. Select the Classification you would like to move.

  2. Select the Classification you would like to move it under (the new Classification Parent).

  3. Click Reassign.

  4. Review the details of your Classification Reassignment here.

After the Reassignment is completed, Impact (Business) will now sit under Construction.

To move a Classification so it sits by itself, without any parents, select the Classification Category itself to move it to. For an issue, that would be Issue Type.

NOTE: Take care to only move Classifications under a Classification that is already a parent OR has no data associated. If a Classification is reassigned under an active Classification, the previously active Classification will become a parent and you will not be able to select it.